Rolawn Lawn Top Dressing

Rolawn Lawn Top Dressing


High quality sand based, multi-purpose lawn dressing. Helps stimulate new grass growth, create a level surface, improve drainage and control the build up of thatch. Applying Rolawn Lawn Topdressing will help to enhance a lawn’s appearance.

Contains approx. 0.5m³ (500 litres) when packed.

SKU: 74 Category:



  • Mix of approx 85% sand and 15% silt/clay
  • Friable – easy to apply and incorporate into a lawn.
  • Improves existing soil.
  • Peat free – environmentally friendly.
  • Fertile – promotes denser swar
  • Incorporates silt and clay to assist nutrient and moisture retention.
  • Rolawn Topdressing should ideally be stored under cover to reduce moisture penetration, which could impair product consistency

Rolawn Lawn Topdressing is a high quality, sand based, multi-purpose lawn dressing, designed for use on Rolawn lawns. It can also be used to improve any utility lawn. Applying Rolawn Lawn Topdressing will help to enhance a lawn’s appearance. It will help stimulate new grass growth, create a level surface, improve drainage and control the build up of thatch.

Top dressing can be applied anytime, when the grass is actively growing.

Bag size: approx 0.5m³
Coverage: up to 167m² at 3 litres/m² (or depth of 3mm)

  • Contains high percentage of sand
  • Typically classed as a ‘Loamy Sand’
  • Friable
  • Safe
  • Minimal stone content
  • Peat free
  • Supplied in hooded bags to minimise moisture penetration
  • Not suitable for use with spreaders

Remember to wear gloves and wash your hands after use.


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